7 Ways to Support your Child’s Learning in Preschool

7 Ways to Support your Child’s Learning in Preschool

Parental involvement in a child’s early education plays a crucial role in their overall development and academic success. As your child embarks on their preschool journey, your support at home can significantly enhance their learning experiences. Early education is not just about parents guiding their children with school homework; it’s about creating a nurturing environment that appreciates curiosity, critical thinking, and a love for learning. 

The guide below explores effective strategies for parents to reinforce and extend their child’s learning beyond the classroom, fostering continued growth and development in a familiar environment.

By actively participating in your child’s educational journey, you can contribute significantly to their academic achievements and holistic development.

1. Establishing a Positive Learning Environment at Home

Creating a conducive learning environment at home is fundamental for your child’s educational journey. By designating a specific study area, you provide a consistent space where your child can focus and engage with learning materials without distractions. This helps in several ways:

– Focus and Concentration: A dedicated study area minimises distractions such as noise or visual stimuli, allowing your child to concentrate better on tasks.

– Organisational Skills: Having a set place for studying encourages habits of organisation and responsibility as your child learns to maintain and manage their study materials.

– Routine and Discipline: Establishing a routine around study and play times helps children understand the importance of balancing learning and leisure. This routine fosters discipline and reinforces the idea that learning is a regular part of daily life.

2. Encouraging Reading and Language Development

Reading together with your child not only enhances their language skills but also stimulates their cognitive abilities and imagination. Here’s why it’s beneficial:

– Language Acquisition: Regular reading exposes children to a diverse vocabulary and sentence structures, which aids in language development and comprehension.

– Critical Thinking: Discussing stories and characters encourages children to think critically and analytically about plot, character motives, and story themes.

– Creativity and Expression: Encouraging storytelling allows children to explore their creativity and express themselves through narrative, developing both verbal and written communication skills.

3. Supporting Numeracy Skills

Numeracy skills are crucial for understanding mathematical concepts and solving everyday problems. Here’s how everyday activities and games can help:

– Practical Application: By integrating counting and basic maths into daily routines like counting stairs or measuring ingredients while cooking, children learn that maths is relevant and useful in everyday life.

– Games and Puzzles: Playing maths games and solving puzzles not only makes learning enjoyable but also reinforces mathematical concepts such as number recognition, addition, subtraction, and spatial awareness.

– Digital Learning: Educational apps and online resources provide interactive experiences that engage children in maths activities suited to their developmental stage, making learning accessible and enjoyable.

4. Promoting Social and Emotional Development

Social and emotional skills are foundational for forming relationships and navigating social situations effectively. Here’s how you can support your child’s development:

– Playdates and Peer Interaction: Organising playdates helps children develop social skills such as sharing, taking turns, and resolving conflicts, which are essential for positive peer relationships.

– Empathy and Emotional Literacy: Teaching children to recognise and express their emotions fosters empathy and enhances their ability to understand others’ feelings, promoting positive interactions. Examples:

A. Recognising Emotions

Parent: “I see you’re frowning. Are you feeling sad?”

Child: “Yes, I’m sad because my toy broke.”

Parent: “It’s okay to feel sad when something like that happens. Let’s see if we can fix it together.”

B. Understanding Others’ Feelings

Parent: “Your friend looks upset. How do you think they feel?”

Child: “Maybe they feel sad.”

Parent: “That’s right. How can we help your friend feel better?”

Child: “I can give them a hug.”

These conversations help children identify and express their own emotions and consider how others might be feeling, fostering empathy and understanding.

– Communication: Creating an open environment where children feel safe discussing their emotions and experiences encourages healthy emotional development and builds trust in their relationships with you and others. Examples:

A. Discussing Emotions

Parent: “How was your day at preschool today? Did anything special happen?”

Child: “I played with the new blocks. It was fun!”

Parent: “I’m glad you had fun! Did anything make you feel upset?”

Child: “Yes, when someone took my toy.”

Parent: “I understand. That can be frustrating. Did you tell your teacher or friend how you felt?”

Child: “No.”

Parent: “Next time, you can say, ‘I don’t like it when you take my toy. Can you please ask first?’ It’s important to share our feelings.”

B. Building Trust

Parent: “You can always talk to me about anything, even if you’re feeling sad or scared. I’m here to help you.”

Child: “Okay, I will.”

These conversations create a safe space for children to express their emotions and experiences, fostering trust and open communication.

5. Involvement in Preschool Activities

Engaging actively in your child’s preschool activities strengthens their sense of belonging and academic progress. Here’s why parental involvement matters:

– Support and Encouragement: Attending events and parent-teacher meetings demonstrates your interest in your child’s education, provides opportunities to discuss their progress, and enables collaboration with teachers to support their learning needs.

– Volunteering: Participating in classroom activities or field trips allows you to observe your child’s interactions with peers and teachers firsthand, contributing positively to their learning experiences.

– Effective Communication: Regular communication with teachers builds a partnership focused on your child’s development, allowing you to address any concerns promptly and work together to nurture their strengths and address challenges.

6. Healthy Lifestyle Choices

A healthy lifestyle enhances your child’s overall well-being, supporting their ability to learn and engage effectively. Consider these benefits:

Nutritious Diet: Providing balanced meals rich in nutrients supports brain development and cognitive function, ensuring your child has the energy and focus needed for learning.

– Adequate Sleep: Sufficient sleep improves concentration, memory retention, and mood regulation, optimising your child’s ability to absorb and retain information.

– Physical Activity: Limiting screen time in favour of physical play outdoors promotes physical fitness, coordination, and overall mental health, contributing to a balanced and active lifestyle.

7. Celebrating Milestones and Achievements

Acknowledging and celebrating your child’s achievements fosters a positive attitude towards learning and boosts their self-esteem. Here’s why it’s beneficial:

– Motivation and Confidence: Recognising both small accomplishments and significant milestones reinforces your child’s motivation to learn and encourages them to persevere through challenges. Example:

● Small Accomplishment: When your child successfully ties their shoelaces for the first time, you can say, “Wow! You tied your shoes all by yourself! You did a great job!”

● Significant Milestone: When your child finishes a big puzzle, you can say, “You finished the whole puzzle! That was a lot of work, and you did it! I’m so proud of you!”

This kind of positive reinforcement makes your child feel capable and eager to try new tasks.

– Growth Mindset: Encouraging a growth mindset teaches children that mistakes are opportunities for learning and growth, promoting resilience and a positive approach to overcoming obstacles. Example:

● If your child is building a tower with blocks and it falls over, you can say, “It’s okay that the tower fell down. Let’s try again and see how high we can build it this time. Every time we try, we learn something new!”

● When your child is learning to write their name and makes a mistake, you can say, “Look at how much you’ve improved! Every time you practise, you get better and better. Mistakes help us learn!”

This helps children understand that making mistakes is a natural part of learning and encourages them to keep trying.

– Supportive Environment: Creating a nurturing environment where children feel valued and supported encourages them to explore new ideas, take risks, and develop a sense of curiosity and confidence in their abilities. Example:

● When your child shows you a drawing they made, you can say, “I love your drawing! Can you tell me all about it? What colours did you use, and why?”

● If your child asks a lot of questions about how something works, you can say, “Those are great questions! Let’s find out the answers together. I love how curious you are!”

By showing interest and appreciation for their efforts and ideas, you create a supportive environment that makes your child feel safe and encouraged to explore and learn.


Parental involvement in early education is a powerful tool for supporting your child’s learning journey. By implementing these strategies, you can actively support your child’s early education journey, laying a strong foundation for their future academic success and personal development. Your involvement and commitment to fostering a positive and supportive learning environment at home and in preschool will contribute significantly to your child’s growth and readiness for 

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