Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent

Easy Ways to Be a Fantastic Parent

Do you want to be the best possible parent for your preschooler? Parenting can be both a rewarding and challenging journey, but we can always strive to improve ourselves. Being a great parent doesn’t require perfection, but it does benefit from practical and achievable strategies. Let’s explore some easy and constructive ways to become a fantastic parent to your preschooler.

Building a Strong Foundation

Establishing routines and consistency is crucial for preschoolers. Children thrive on predictability, so creating a structured daily routine can give them a sense of security and stability. Additionally, setting clear boundaries with love helps children understand what behaviour is expected of them, fostering a safe and nurturing environment where they can grow and learn. 

Let’s imagine a typical day in the life of a preschooler named Myson. Myson wakes up each morning to the gentle sound of his favourite song playing softly in his room, signalling the start of his day. He knows it’s time for breakfast with his family after brushing his teeth and getting dressed. This routine brings him comfort and reassurance, knowing what to expect each morning. 

As Myson heads off to preschool, he enters a classroom filled with familiar faces and a warm, welcoming environment. His teachers have established clear daily routines, starting with circle time followed by activities like storytime, art, and outdoor play. Myson thrives in this predictable structure, knowing what comes next and feeling secure in his surroundings. 

Throughout the day, Myson’s teachers lovingly reinforce positive behaviour by offering praise and encouragement when he shares with his friends or follows instructions. They also gently redirect any negative behaviour, guiding Myson towards more appropriate actions and helping him understand the importance of kindness and respect. 

Myson’s parents continue this consistency at home by setting clear boundaries with love. They explain the household rules calmly and gently, ensuring Myson understands what behaviour is expected of him. When he occasionally tests these boundaries, his parents respond with patience and understanding, using consequences as teaching moments rather than punishment.

Communication and Connection

Effective communication is crucial in building a strong bond with your preschooler. As a parent, it is essential to take the time to actively listen to your child’s thoughts and feelings, showing empathy and understanding. Encouraging open dialogue and expression creates a safe space for your child to share their joys, fears, and concerns. Building trust through communication strengthens your relationship with your child and lays the foundation for healthy emotional development.

Imagine you’re sitting with your preschooler, and they seem a bit quiet and withdrawn. You gently ask, “Hey, sweetie, how was your day?” Your child looks up with a frown and says, “I didn’t like the new kids at daycare today.” Instead of brushing it off, you take a moment to actively listen.

You respond, “I understand. Meeting new friends can be tough. It’s okay to feel nervous.” Your child’s eyes light up, feeling understood. Encouraged by your empathy, they open up more, sharing their worries about not fitting in.

You nod, validating their feelings, and reassure them, “It’s natural to feel that way sometimes. You’re doing great, and I’m here for you.” As you continue the conversation, your child relaxes, knowing they can talk to you about anything.

Positive Discipline Techniques

Positive discipline is a constructive parenting approach that teaches children how to behave appropriately instead of punishing them for their mistakes. Acknowledging and praising your child for their excellent behaviour is important to promote positive behaviour. When redirecting negative behaviour, it’s best to calmly guide your child towards more appropriate actions and explain why certain behaviours are unacceptable. Using consequences as teaching moments can also be helpful, as it can help your child understand the impact of their actions on themselves and others.

For instance, Sophia was helping her mom set the table when she accidentally dropped and broke a plate. She immediately felt scared and worried about getting in trouble. However, instead of getting angry, her mom hugged her and said that accidents happen. They cleaned up the broken pieces together, and her mom explained how to be more careful next time. Sophia felt relieved and happy that her mom wasn’t mad at her. She learned that it’s okay to make mistakes and how to be responsible for her actions.

Nurturing Emotional Intelligence

Emotional intelligence plays a crucial role in the lives of preschoolers. It enables them to manage their emotions and relationships effectively. As parents, you can teach your child emotional literacy by labelling their feelings and discussing their causes and effects. It is better to encourage self-regulation by helping your child develop coping strategies to manage big emotions like anger or frustration. You can provide opportunities for emotional expression through art, storytelling, or play, allowing your child to explore and understand their emotions in a safe and supportive environment.

Picture a rainy afternoon with your preschooler at the kitchen table, surrounded by art supplies. Your child picks up a crayon, but instead of drawing their usual happy sun, they start scribbling vigorously, frustration evident on their face.

You gently ask, “What’s going on, sweetie?” Your child sighs and says, “I’m mad because my tower fell down, and I worked so hard on it.” Recognizing this as an opportunity to teach emotional literacy, you respond, “I understand. It’s frustrating when things don’t go as planned.”

You encourage your child to express their feelings through art, saying, “Why don’t you draw how you’re feeling right now?” Your child nods and begins to sketch, using bold lines and dark colors to convey their anger.

As they work, you continue the conversation, discussing what caused the frustration and how it’s okay to feel upset sometimes. Together, you brainstorm coping strategies, like taking deep breaths or counting to ten, to help manage big emotions.

By the end of the art session, your child’s mood has lifted. They proudly show you their drawing, a mix of colors and shapes that represent their complex emotions.

Fostering Independence and Responsibility

As your preschooler develops, it is crucial to foster independence and responsibility. You can encourage your child to make appropriate decisions for their age and assign them simple tasks around the house, such as setting the table or tidying up their toys. By assigning chores, you can instil a sense of responsibility in your child, boosting their confidence and self-esteem. Even minor achievements and efforts should be celebrated to help them feel proud and accomplished.

Taking Care of Yourself as a Parent

Parenting can be challenging, but it’s crucial to prioritize self-care and well-being. Parents should make time for activities that recharge their batteries and bring them joy, such as practising mindfulness, exercising, or spending time with loved ones. When you need help or guidance, seek support from family, friends, or community resources. Remember, taking care of yourself is not selfish; you must be your child’s best parent. 

When parents are happy, they can spread that happiness to their children. Children are very observant and quickly recognize their parents’ emotions. Therefore, it’s important to be happy and take care of yourself.

Cultivating Learning and Creativity

As a parent, you want the best for your child’s growth and development. Choosing the right preschool is critical in providing a solid foundation for their future education. 

Mulberry Learning, the first and only preschool in Singapore to be certified by The Institute for Habits of Mind™ from the USA, offers exceptional programs that stimulate preschoolers’ critical thinking, creativity, and social-emotional skills. 

Enrolling your child in such a program can provide them with the best possible education and support their natural curiosity and creativity.


Becoming a fantastic parent to your preschooler doesn’t have to be complicated. By incorporating these easy strategies into your daily routine, you can create a loving, supportive environment where your child can thrive and reach their full potential. Embrace imperfection, celebrate progress, and enjoy the parenting journey – you’re doing a fantastic job!

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