Parental Support: How to Empower and Encourage Persistence in Preschool-Aged Children

Parental Support:
How to Empower and Encourage Persistence in Preschool-Aged Children

Are you struggling to motivate your preschooler to keep trying, even when things get tough? Building persistence in young children is crucial for their long-term success. But as a parent, you might wonder: How can I support and empower my child to persist through challenges? Fear not! In this article, we’ll explore effective strategies to nurture persistence in your preschool-aged child, setting them up for a lifetime of resilience and achievement.

Understanding Persistence in Preschool-Aged Children

Persistence in preschool-aged children is characterized by their ability to stay focused and keep trying, even when faced with obstacles or failures. 

Imagine your child attempting to stack blocks to build a tower. Despite the tower repeatedly toppling over, they persist in their efforts, adjusting their approach and trying again. This perseverance is essential for mastering new skills and achieving goals.

A combination of internal and external factors, including motivation, support, environment, and skill development, influences persistence.

The Role of Parental Support in Fostering Persistence

As parents, our support plays a vital role in nurturing our children’s persistence. One way to do this is by creating a supportive environment where children feel safe to take risks and make mistakes. Instead of doing everything for our children, we should wait a while so they have the opportunity to approach problems and find ways to solve them. The role of parents is to observe and create conditions for children to develop in a safe environment.

Practical Strategies for Parental Support

  1. Provide specific praise and encouragement: When your child demonstrates persistence, offer specific praise that acknowledges their effort and perseverance. For example, instead of simply saying, “Good job,” you could say, “I’m so proud of how you kept trying to tie your shoelaces even though it was tricky. That shows real determination!” This type of feedback reinforces the value of persistence and encourages your child to continue putting in effort.
  2. Set achievable goals: Help your child set small, attainable goals that are within their reach. Break down larger tasks into smaller steps and celebrate each milestone along the way. For instance, if your child is learning to write their name, set a goal for them to trace one letter each day. Celebrate their progress as they reach each letter, which motivates them to continue working towards their ultimate goal.
  3. Encourage problem-solving: Encourage your child to approach challenges with a problem-solving mindset. When they encounter obstacles, instead of immediately offering solutions, you can ask open-ended questions that prompt them to think critically and come up with their ideas. For example, if they’re struggling to build a tower with blocks, you could ask, “What do you think might help the tower stay balanced?” This empowers them to find solutions independently and builds their confidence in their ability to overcome challenges.
  1. Create a supportive learning environment: Foster an environment where it’s safe to make mistakes and learn from them. Encourage risk-taking and experimentation, and emphasize that failure is a natural part of the learning process. Provide resources and tools that support their learning and exploration, such as age-appropriate puzzles, art supplies, or building blocks. When children feel supported in their exploration, they are more likely to persist in their efforts to learn and grow.
  2. Model persistence: Children learn by example, so it’s important to model persistence in your behavior. Let your child see you tackle challenges with determination and perseverance, whether it’s learning a new skill, completing a household project, or facing a personal obstacle. Narrate your thought process out loud, explaining how you’re approaching the challenge and persevering through setbacks. By witnessing your persistence firsthand, your child learns that it’s normal to encounter difficulties and that perseverance is key to overcoming them.


Parental support plays a pivotal role in empowering and encouraging persistence in preschool-aged children. By creating a nurturing environment, modeling persistence, and implementing practical strategies, we can help our children develop the resilience they need to navigate life’s challenges successfully. 

So, let’s embark on this journey together, supporting and guiding our little ones as they learn and grow. With our unwavering support, they can conquer any obstacle and achieve their dreams.

At Mulberry Learning, we have specially curated 12 habits that are mindfully infused into our curriculum and persistence is one of those crucial habits . Mulberry Learning is the first and only preschool network that has applied the Habits of Mind Programme into our curriculum. By embedding the habit of persistence into our curriculum, learning environment, and everyday practices, we equip children with the skills and mindset they need to navigate challenges, achieve their goals, and thrive in school and beyond.

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