4 Ways To Nurture Emotional Intelligence Kids

4 Ways To Nurture Emotional Intelligence Kids

By fostering self-awareness, self-management, empathy, and social skills in children, emotional intelligence (EQ) can help them become successful adults. Kids are better able to control their emotions because they have more coping mechanisms in place.
High EQ children perform better academically, pay attention, maintain motivation, and get along with teachers and classmates. Therefore, it’s important to instil EQ in children at a young age. How can you nurture EQ in your child? Here are 4 ways to do it.

1. Teach Your Child to Categorise Their Emotions And Talk About It

How does your child understand their emotions? Can they recognise and understand these emotions? Help them to name and identify their emotions and observe how they begin to comprehend these feelings and the reasons behind their occurrence. Use emotive language to help them develop a vocabulary that they can then use. Some common emotions include:
  • Happy
  • Sad
  • Excited
  • Angry
  • Shy
  • Overwhelmed
  • Disappointed
  • Nervous
  • Children need the vocabulary to express and talk about their emotions to develop EQ. Furthermore, they need to comprehend that all emotions, even those we might label “negative,” are valid and should be discussed.
    Encourage your child to write or draw about their own emotions in a journal. Give kids the words they need to express their emotions to create an environment where it’s acceptable to express one’s emotions to others.

    2. Learn to Empathise

    Empathy means you can see things from your child’s perspective as well, even if you disagree. He might have to follow your advice, but he has a right to his own opinion.
    Your child won’t feel as pressured to express their feelings to you through their behaviour if they sense that you understand how they’re feeling on the inside. Therefore, once you’ve made it clear that you already recognise their upset, they’ll feel better rather than screaming and sobbing to express their anger to you.
    By experiencing empathy from others, kids learn how to feel it. The neural pathway you’re strengthening each time he feels soothed will be what he uses to soothe himself as he gets older. Feeling understood releases calming biochemicals. You are helping your child in considering his experience and what sets off his emotions.

    3. Teach Problem-solving Skills

    Learning to solve problems is a necessary component of nurturing EQ. After the feelings have been acknowledged and addressed, it’s time to consider how to resolve the issue at hand. Kids need to express their emotions, but they also need to be able to change gears and look for useful answers to problems. That requires us to practise and role model.
    Work through what could have been done differently and what your child can do to take care of any lingering issues when they make mistakes. Instead of solving the problem, try to take on the role of a coach. When necessary, offer your child guidance, but try to foster the idea that they are capable of coming up with peaceful solutions to issues on their own.

    4. Nurturing EQ Is a Lifelong Journey

    Even if your child appears to be emotionally intelligent, there’s always room for improvement. There will probably be some ups and downs during childhood and adolescence. As they get older, they’ll probably run into challenges that will test their abilities. So, make it a habit to talk about feelings with your young child every day.
    As your child gets older, have conversations with them about issues they encounter in their daily lives or issues you read about in the news. Make it a continuing dialogue.
    Use your child’s mistakes as learning experiences. Take the time to discuss how they can do better going forward when they act out because they are angry. Your child can develop the EQ and mental toughness they’ll need to succeed in life with your ongoing support and guidance.

    One of Mulberry Learning’s signature programmes, Habits of Mind, is on developing the capacity to act deftly and handle difficult situations. Dr. Arthur Costa, co-director of the Institute for Intelligent Behavior in El Dorado Hills, California, and emeritus professor of education at California State University, Sacramento, developed this framework to give kids of all ages a set of intelligent thinking dispositions for independent learning, critical thinking, and efficient inquiry.

    Children who adopt these behaviours will also develop positive personality traits and behaviours that will help them develop critical abilities like strategic reasoning, insight, perseverance, and creativity. They will be able to apply what they have learned to a wide range of challenges, not only in academic subjects but also in their personal lives, communities, and the wider world.
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